Saturday, May 30, 2009

Yesterday I watched Race to witch mountain. Scary but cool. There was alien kids. And to find out more leave it on your comment. Take it away dad!  


Dave Lyon said...

I loved this movie- just lots of fun. A clean, nonstop, fun, action movie. Dwayne Johnson has exceeded my expectations in everything he's ever been in (that I've seen) (except the Scorpion King which no one should ever have to see). The two kids were perfect. For a movie like this I would even have trouble saying it was silly- I thought it was really well done.

There was also a fun Disney nostalgia moment when I realized the reporter Natalie Gann, who has a cameo, is actually Natty Gann from Journey of Natty Gann.

When we were back in the car I sure had to fight the temptation to drive like Jack Bruno!

Laynie said...

Really? I gotten to see this movie. :D

The Fifes said...

I love the original movie made a LONG time ago-- i'd watch it over and over. Can't wait!

Tim said...

Grant sure has a sneaky way of ensuring that his posts are the most commented on.

Dave Lyon said...

Grant is a born blogger- it might be an attention-seeking mechanism but it's what all the 'pro' bloggers recommend- ask something simple or invite comments in every post.

grant said...

any real questions?

2007-2009, Dave and Melissa Lyon. All rights reserved.