Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Calling

Today I was called, sustained, and set apart as the ward Executive Secretary in a brand new bishopric. Our new bishop, Bishop Huff had been trying to sell their house and downsize since all their kids are out of the house. But they were impressed that they needed to stay and shortly afterwards I understand, he was called to be the bishop (about a month ago). He has been serving as stake executive secretary. I think he was in the Air Force for awhile (stationed in Greenland!), left the service here and now works at the FAA. I think that's right.

Bro. Pratt, his first counselor, was the man we called when we were trying to get a feel for the area. We just called a number we found on a ward website for the area. He gave us some good info and sounded nice. They've lived here quite a while but are from Utah and California. Boundaries had changed since the site was updated so we moved into his ward and he's been a great friend. They have kids in primary and young men's and a daughter in college I think. He has been serving as our temple service coordinator (every month we have a session where we stay and clean the temple afterwards).

Bro. Dobson, the second counselor, is our home teacher and is a wonderful man. He lived and worked in Wyoming on his ranch and in the oil business and had retired in the home they had built themselves when he and his wife felt strongly they needed to move somewhere. He looked at some jobs in the oil industry and when they looked at the Oklahoma option felt strongly that they should come here. They've been here for about a year longer than we have and he has been serving as the Ward Mission Leader.

And I'm the executive secretary. As we were set apart, I thought about how the Lord had brought this group of men together from many places to serve in one corner of his vineyard. It's like that for each of us even if He didn't have to make such dramatic changes to get us there. We're called to serve where He needs us.


The Fifes said...

congratulations!! Good luck with the new calling.

Mary Lyon said...

Congratulations! That's amazing how the three of you were brought together form all over the world. There are no loopholes in Heavenly Father's plan. As I've said before, not everyone can move around and for those who can. The Lord makes sure they go where he needs them.
I'm sure glad Mary signed in! (Thanks, Mary.)

Love, Mom

2007-2009, Dave and Melissa Lyon. All rights reserved.