Monday, April 13, 2009

Playing Catch-up

I've been really bad about posting for at least a month- sorry! I've posted more photos to flickr. I had a fun trip to Utah in early March, although I didn't get to see old ward people like I wanted to. We had a visit from Grammy and Gramps and Joe, and then Laynie came to visit over spring break. Nina has a new short haircut thanks to Mom. And when it was time to take treats to Nina's pre-K class, she and Missy made the coolest homemade sushi ever- rice krispy treats wrapped in fruit rollups.

Homemade Sushi for Nina's class

Sushi Closeup

Our Easter was lots of fun. The Easter bunny dashed through while Missy and the kids were shopping- Dad didn't hear a thing, but all the carrots in the house had been eaten! We also made a pinata which was fun. Missy came through with cute little Sweetie birds made from Twinkies, orange slice candy sitting in a coconut-white chocolate nest (yum!).


Cindy said...

Missy always makes the cutest food. It looks like your Easter Bunny must shop at the same store as ours because we recognize some of those treats.

Annie said...
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Laynie said...

Oh wow! Clever! I loved Nina's short hair. Is it solved with comb thing? I hope it's much easier for you to handle that situation. :D

And wow, that treat looked so cute! I wish I have your brain so I can be creative like you and Cindy. Bummer.

Roger said...

I wish I had brains so I could be cute like you too.

2007-2009, Dave and Melissa Lyon. All rights reserved.