Thursday, April 2, 2009

Balance of Power Becomes More Unbalanced

It's a girl! 

Nina and Rachel were ecstatic that they were going to have an additional member to the girl team.  Dave had stoically told me before the ultrasound that he would love the new baby even if he was a girl.  I have a soft spot in my heart for girls and am quickly becoming delighted by having another one.  But there is no way else to say it, Grant is disappointed.  Very Disappointed.  Nina knew it was a girl before she left for her afternoon pre-K class, but Grant was still in the dark.  I tried to wait outside Nina's classroom after school to catch her before she spilled the beans in a very abrupt way to Grant.  I told her very clearly that she was NOT to tell Grant it was a girl or anything about the baby because Dad was going to talk with him man to man when we got home.  So what did she decide to say the very first second we saw Grant in the hall? "It's a booo"then I put my hand over her mouth, but it was too late.  Poor Grant.  Dave broke the news to him as soon as we got home.  I was listening outside the door.  It was silent for at least 45 minutes.  When they finally came out Grant was very somber and sad looking.  Sigh.  Good thing he has another 6 months to get accustomed to the idea.  


Fife Photography said...

congratulations!! So what is your due date again?

Annie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laynie said...

Oops I was going to post but somehow it posted from Annie's not mine.. So had to removed and try again.. I hope it works this time..

Well, you can remind Grant how luck he is because he don't have to share his bedroom! Those girls will be crowd in their bedroom! :D

Or Tim can have a talk with him how he feel about it.. :D

Melissa Lyon said...

The due date is Sept 1st.

Cindy said...

Maybe you can get Grant two male goldfish so that the family can be evened up.

Roger said...

Are you saying that girls are equal in value to goldfish?

Veronica said...

This means you'll have to have another one after this baby girl!

will you guys FINALLY name this one Veronica? :) C'mon!!!

Love you!!

Tim said...

poor grant. he can take solace in knowing that his super awesome uncle tim was the only boy in his family too.

2007-2009, Dave and Melissa Lyon. All rights reserved.