Thursday, April 22, 2010

Who Do You Think You Are?

I don't watch much TV. I don't think there's much I'm missing, and I'm busy enough as it is. But one show I do watch and have really enjoyed is "Who Do You Think You Are?" about celebrities looking into their family history. Particularly eye-opening/though-provoking were the episodes featuring Emmett Smith (Slavery) and Lisa Kudrow (Holocaust). A couple of the celebrities come across almost stereotypically- Missy and I would roll our eyes sometimes. But on the whole, it was interesting how normal they are. We particularly liked how Lisa Kudrow was really nervous about calling someone.

The last two episodes of the season are this Friday and next Friday, so take a look.

If you've missed the others, you can watch them free on Hulu.


2007-2009, Dave and Melissa Lyon. All rights reserved.