Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The medieval fair - part 2
As Grant already wrote, we went to the Medieval Fair last weekend and except for the bitter cold, rain and whipping wind, we had a great time. When we left our house the weather was pretty nice- as an afterthought we grabbed sweaters for everyone just in case. When we arrived at the fair an hour later it was raining and a cold front had moved in. Forget sweaters, we should have brought our winter coats!
How could we miss an opportunity to dress up? The kids put together their costumes the day before. Dave indulged the kids and allowed them to do this, but absolutely forbid me from even suggesting that we dress up. Dave has a very high personal geek tolerance- but even he has his limits. After going to the fair and seeing the general type of adult who does this, I think I agree with him.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The medieval fair
Yesterday I went to well.... just read the title ! Nina and Rachel got a book and I got a wand with a real quartz on it! We saw some real sword fighting! But sadly , IT WAS FREEEEEEEZING AND SUPER WINDY! We ate funnel cake! Have more questions ? COMMENT!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I decided to blog about a kids freedom. Well first of gdvchn cbjh HEY RACHEL STOPCCCCC RRRRRRRRRRRR DON'T MESS UP HEY TURN1` ` qsd off the yooowwww nowwwwww stopbbbbbbbbb hey I'm trzn AAAAAAAARRRRRRR! I'llHaaaaave to calloooooo you back later!!111111!111!!11dfgjyvhybcbbhgf P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.PP.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. look for Free country,phew Rachel ls asleep
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
My Tofu Quest
I have a difficult time cooking meals for my family. Firstly, there are not many non-dessert foods I know of that my kids actually like (Grant is convinced that he is a dessertatarian). Secondly, if I do find a meal they like and make it for them, they stop liking it. Thirdly, I admit I am not a particularly skillful, creative, or even careful chef. (It's hard to spend much effort on something that is destined for the trash can anyway.)
English 101 by Rachel
Safety pins- "Mom, I know why we use safety pins. It's so that we won't be scared. Safety pins protect us from monsters."