Here is a poem about........
Sunday, January 31, 2010
The Things I have Gone Through by Nina
this thing is the first thing i remember since i was born i didn't know how to crawl and i didn't know how to roll. a few months later i knew how to crawl walk and roll. Thats all I remember. I have suffered through an older brother. But he is sometimes a little...whatever. Sometimes he sticks things on my body- that was hard to go through. I hurt my knee once. Sometimes my shoes fall apart- that's hard for me to get through. It is hard for me to eat my dinner when I am told to eat vegetables I do not like, like beets.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Mother Goose is Loose Day
Kindergarten had their Mother Goose is Loose day last week, where the kids came dressed as a nursery rhyme character and prepared to recite their rhyme. Nina was very excited to be the Queen of Hearts. We even made some "tarts" out of salt clay that we baked, painted and then she carried them around on a tray as her prop. Rachel of course likes to do everything that Nina gets to do, so we had a homeschool version of Mother Goose Day and she became Little Bo Peep. Meg was a natural for Little Miss Muffet. And there was one rhyme that just suited me perfectly. . .
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I decided to write a poem about megan.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Megan :smart!
I think Megen is the smartest baby who ever lived . she is smart because she,she, Oh, it's almost impassible to explain.....
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Christmas Outfits
In the hustle and bustle of getting ready for Church this morning we took some pics of the kids in the Christmas outfits Grandma sent. Since Church was cancelled because of snow conditions last Sunday this was their first chance to wear them.
Unfortunately I (Dave) was sick today (have been since Sat morning) so I didn't join them at Church. I home to convalesce and Meg kept me company.
T-Rex Cafe
We again visited the T-Rex Cafe and it was lots of fun, perhaps not 9.99 hamburger fun but fun nonetheless. I think the kids did love the ambience although the Mayan in Sandy, UT is still my favorite for that.
Luckily the triceratops looking over our shoulder is an herbivore (I think).
The Mountain
We went out one of the days we were visiting Grammy and Gramps in Kansas and found this rather large hill to slide down on. As snow sleds with kids go this was a pretty major hill. Both Missy and I realized after about a foot of climbing that our shoes were not intended for this- thank yous to those helpful bystanders that also pointed that out for us. We barely made it up- just well packed, slick slopes. Luckily my brother Joe was going up and down with the kids while we tried to get up. And then Missy and I went down in a sled together and it was awesome! Stark terror pressed into a small bit of time can be like that.
If there's one thing I learned it's that winter sports wouldn't be so popular without ski lifts.