Thursday, February 19, 2009

Valentine's Day

A big part of this year's Valentine's Day was to brew some interesting love potions. Just about anything was an acceptable ingredient. Nina's strategy was to include lots of sweet things. Grant's, interestingly, involved lemon juice and hot sauce. Apparently the idea is that it knocks you silly so you have no conscious thought anymore. Having tried a tiny, tiny bit I will say that it sure wakes you up.


Tim said...

sounds like you could have used some miracle berries before trying grant's love potion.

Melissa Lyon said...

It was pretty interesting because Grant's potions revealed a lot about his conception of falling in love. The formulas that left you crying, screaming and running around in circles with your tongue hanging out were the ones that he thought were most effective. No wonder 1st grade boys don't want to fall in love.

Cindy said...

How did you test the effectiveness of the potions? Did the kids have to drink what they made? You guys always do such fun stuff.

Heather said...

What a clever idea! It reminds me a little bit of Harry Potter, where the love potion is said to smell differently to each person depending on what attracts them.

judy said...

Love potions is such a great idea! Missy you sneaked your potioins into the drinks t dinner. There must have been a lot of "Love at Home at your house!

I wish we'd done that too. You are such a creative family.

The Fifes said...

you guys are so creative!!

2007-2009, Dave and Melissa Lyon. All rights reserved.