As of July 23, Grant is now 7 years old. He says he can definitely see that his muscles are bigger and he feels much smarter.
For his birthday this year Grant wanted a Lego party. For some reason my children don't believe you can have a
birthday without having a theme to it. Back in
the old days all birthday parties had the same theme: birthday. Somehow we managed to age just fine. But, as long as they do not choose something repulsive like Hannah Montana or Sponge Bob, I suppose a birthday theme is alright by me, and even kinda fun. We all had a lot of legoey fun with this one. Dave bought a big tub of assorted Legos on ebay and dumped them all out on the kitchen table and most of the party was spent just building. We also had a lovely Lego cake. As gifts Grant of course got Legos: he bought himself a Lego Indiana Jones set with birthday money from Grandma (he has been saving his chore money for this set for over 6 months, which would be impressive if his grand savings total was more than about $5. With the birthday money, his money and a toysrus
coupon, he came home from the store one happy boy) a guest gave him a Star Wars Lego set, he got a
figures, and 3 special mini-figs customized to
look like Grant Nina and Rachel.
To be honest, Grant really scores on his birthday. What's his secret? Dave. All those toys that Dave has always wanted but feels silly buying for himself he ends up getting f
or Grant. Luckily their tastes are still at the same age level. As I have told Grant before, being the only boy has a lot of advantages.
In honor of Grants birthday (of course), a new Lego store was opened at a local mall. They had the Grand Opening the day after Grant's birthday. Grant and Dave were there and got to help build a life sized Lego Aretoo Detoo with a master Lego builder. Unfortunately, hundreds of other people were also there, and the lines of people ready to throw down huge sums of money for those little colored bricks were quite long. A bad day to return extra Lego party favors, as Dave found out.
It is now 4 days later and the cake is almost all eaten, but I know I will be picking up Legos for many many years to come. Happy Birthday Grant, We love you!!